
Most quilters who try hand applique, often resist doing circles, believing it is difficult to make a circle that is, indeed a circle, and not a wonky oval, with pleats and puckers. And I cannot blame you if you feel this way. Circles can present a few challenges, but this is a product that will change the way you think about making circles. Have you heard of Applipops?

Applipops is a family owned business with an amazing product, and Jillian reached out to me and asked if she could send me a set, give them a try and then give her some feedback. I must confess I had never heard of Applipops, so I went on the website. Immediately I was impressed with the simpleness, but at the same time I was struck with the brilliance of the product. I eagerly awaited for my Applipops to arrive, so I could give them a try. The skeptical part of me thought that they may be too good to be true.

As soon as my 2 sets arrived in the mail, I read the directions, and dove right in. I am going to go on record and say that every applique-ist must own a set (or 2)! One of the reasons I am so excited about Applipops is that I am getting ready to start Lily Rosenberry, a Sue Garman pattern that has been on my bucket list for far too long. This is the method I will be making the many, many, many circles.

狐友-扩张我的社交圈:2021-6-11 · 狐友是搜狐于2021年推出的一款基于用户关系的开放社交App,用户可众通过视频、文字、图片、链接等内容来展示自己,可众发现感兴趣的用户、圈子和内容,与其他用户进行互动交流。

First I cut a square of fabric. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a square, you can use scraps if you like. Next, I chose the size of metal ring that I want my circle to finish at. (3/4″ diameter).

Next, I placed the piece of fabric over the metal ring.

And then I added the next biggest ring on top of the fabric. I found it best to do this on a hard surface. Press the top ring so it snaps onto the bottom ring.

Trim the excess fabric using the outer ring as a rough guide.


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Next, I used my iron and stiletto to press the seam allowance over the smaller ring. You want to coax the seam allowances to the centre of the smaller ring, making sure you have no pleats or puckers. At this point the rings are very hot, which is why having 2 sets is a really good idea. As this circle cools down, I started another circle. Quite the assembly line!


At this time I was still thinking…”wait a minute, this is too darn easy”. So then I separated the rings and, voila! A magnificent circle! Important tip: before you separate the rings, take a good look and make sure there are no puckers or pleats. If you do have some unruly pleats, just add a dab of starch and rework it. Easy Peasy!


I removed the inner circle, gave it a good press and there you go!

So then I thought “that was easy enough but what about that wee little one?” So I gave the wee little one a try. Exact same easy method, EXCEPT, your seam allowance should be smaller, so it easier to work with. I was so impressed! Before I forget, make sure you check out Applipops Instagram page. Prepare to be blown away by Ellen’s amazing quilts! Also, check Applipops out on Facebook:)


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Til next time….



My goodness, what interesting, challenging times we are living in.  Thank goodness I have my quilting to keep me busy enough that I do not have too much time to think about what is going on in the world.  Don’t get me wrong, I watch the news every night,  but quilting is a great escape from real life.

Lately, I have been getting photos sent to me by (mostly) students who have finished their projects.  Here are just a few of them…

Joanne completed her Bed of Roses (a Sue Garman pattern) that I offered as a BOM many moons ago.  Joanne sent it toRose of Fancy Feathers to be machine quilted.  Both Joanne and Rose are to be congratulated for creating this masterpiece.  I’m so excited, I have goosebumps:)ssr最新订阅地址大全


Carrol finished her Hummingbird in Flight project and it is absolutely gorgeous.  And check out the awesome wooden quilt hanger that her husband made to display this beauty!  The Hummingbird in Flight pattern in available as a paper pattern or a digital pattern on my website.  Rose of Fancy Feathers also machine quilted this for Carrol.


Cora also completed her Hummingbird in Flight (without taking a class!)  Just shows you how easy this technique is to master.  Cora has found hand applique to be a perfect way to keep her hands busy while watching TV.  Can’t agree more:)手机shadowsock教程

Darlene took my Southwest Succulents class at the Academy this past March.  I must say I am speechless….It is beautiful, gorgeous AND finished!  It even has a binding on it!  Darlene even did her own machine quilting.  I am impressed.  So Darlene has named this masterpiece Korona Vase, because she spent so much time on it during the lockdown.  Take a really, really good look at this!  The machine quilting is so simple, but so very effective.

Karona Vase 5-12-2024

I finally found a place to hang my Yellow Finches, which was the other project I taught at the Academy in March.  The Yellow Finch pattern (both paper and digital) are now available on the website.084

I am working on a number of different quilt projects, just to keep myself from getting bored.  I am hand quilting Briar’s quilt and I am loving the process.  Every afternoon I sit by the window and stitch for an hour or so.  Very relaxing.  Briar is 2 1/2 months now.  Time flies:)安卓ssr官网

I am still plugging away at Afternoon Delight, which is being offered by The Quilt Show as a BOM.  I love each block, but especially this one!ssr最新订阅地址大全

I fussy cut the blue pieces and I love the effect.047


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One of Briar’s Moms plays hockey and loves the Toronto Maple Leafs!



Love this one for Spencer!新界ssr网址


And last, but not least, I am making Bonnie Hunter’s Unity quilt.  Loving the process, and using up a load of my scraps!034

I found this fabric in my stash with baby footprints on it and cut 3 pink feet and 1 blue foot to represent the grandkiddies that I am missing while I make this quilt.  Each foot is  a cornerstone in one of the rounds.  So much fun and using up fabric I didn’t even know I had!038


Stay healthy!

Til next time….





Like most you, I am self-isolating.  I’ve always thought of myself as a “home-body”.  Happy to be home working on my quilts and enjoying my own company.  But this is really hard!  I’m surprised at how many times a day I catch myself saying “I’ll just pop out to the store because I need (fill in the blank!)”.  I’m telling my kids to pay attention to what is going on in the world because these are historical moments we are all experiencing.  Let’s be kind and compassionate as we navigate these uncertain waters together.

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The pups were happy to see me:)安卓ssr官网

I have been working on Briar’s quilt for a few months.  It is Dolly Days by Brandywine Designs.058

I started by making all of the outfits that go around the outside.  This was fun!  I used 2 different background, a pink stripe and a pink tone-on-tone.  I had bought a bundle of Apple Butter by Tilda (fat eights) at Quilt Canada last year and thought this was the perfect project.  Here are some of the outside blocks.shadowrocket免费节点




Some of the outfits called for buttons, but I think that would be a no-no!  So I made tiny circles for the buttons and appliqued them on.  I even fussy cut a few!IMG_9193


So once all the outfits were stitched, I had to trim them down to the correct size, which is something I always do.  Cut my backgrounds big to allow for shrinkage and then trim to the correct size.  I made my self a template of the correct size, including seam allowance and drew a few guidelines on it.  I simply placed this template on the design and “eyeballed” it.  Easy Peasy.  I then put marks on the background at the corners of the template.  Then I used my ruler and rotary cutter to trim the blocks.109



Can you see that I have used 2 different background, and alternated them?  So subtle:)112

So now I could start working on the little girl in the centre, but I was a little stuck.  I knew I wanted the quilt to be pink, but if I made the background pink, the skin tone of the little girl wouldn’t show up.  So I went through my stash and found some of the same white and turquoise polka dot that I used for my grandson’s quilt.  By the way, Spencer is 5 months old now and quite a cutie!


As you can see she started out with turquoise socks, but i wasn’t really feeling it, even though the socks and shoes were stitched in place. 156

I switched her socks to pink and auditioned some fabrics for her under clothes.  I probably put way too much thought into this, but that is what we do!ssr最新订阅地址大全

Isn’t she sweet?IMG_9253

Til next time…





What can I say about my experiences teaching Prepared Edge Applique at the Academy of Applique?  It was awesome, inspiring and exhausting (but in a good way!).  Teaching at the Academy is the highlight of my year.  To be surrounded by fellow lovers of applique is so inspiring and recharges my creative batteries.  If you have never attended the Academy, please give some thought to attending next year’s Academy.  You won’t be disappointed:)  Here are a few photos from the 2 classes I taught, Southwest Succulents, and Yellow Finches.  I was blown away by the student’s fabric choices and how each vase had a different “feel”.IMG_9295




Here are some pictures from the Yellow Finch class.IMG_9330




NHMT9782Here are a couple of eager students (below). Donna (on the right side of photo) has never tried prepared edge before.  Her first (!) attempt at a circle is in the photo below.  Are you as impressed as I am?  Wow! PIJQ0748


It is always exciting to see some completed projects from previous classes.  Thanks, Pat, for sharing her Rose of Sharon, a class from last year.  Pat hand quilted her masterpiece and it is stunning.ssr下载官方

And Peggy’s project from last year is fabulous!  Also hand quilted.  Inspiring:)ssr节点2021每日更新

Here is a mother/daughter quilting duo.  So nice to see the next generation discovering the joy of creating something beautiful.安卓ssr官网



So, in the photo below, you can see that the leaves in this project are all “split”.  That means that each leaf has 2 pieces, a light green and a dark green, or in my sample, green and mauve.  I love the look of split leaves, but I have struggled in the past, trying to get a nice smooth point that is not all bulky and yucky.  So I came up with this method that I shared with my class, and I am happy to share with you.


In the class, I provided 2 copies of the freezer paper templates for the leaves.  So I prepped the freezer paper as usual, with a blank sheet of freezer paper underneath to create a thick template.  Here are both identical templates.


Cut both out, but leave one “whole” (don’t cut down the middle).  The other one can be cut into 2 templates.  Set the “whole” one aside for now.IMG_9384

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Now, prep the centre line only on the mauve piece.IMG_9387

Pop the template out and mark the top and bottom of the template with a marker that you can see on the front of the piece.  Set this mauve piece aside for now.IMG_9388


Take the template off the back of the green  fabric and place it on the front, leaving 1/4″ around.IMG_9390

Mark the centre line, and the top and bottom of the template.IMG_9391

Okay, now put a few dots of glue on the prepped edge of the mauve section and place it on the green section, using the  lines as a placement guide.  IMG_9392


Stitch the mauve section to the green section.IMG_9394

Flip the stitched leaf over and place the “whole” template, lining up the top of the template and the line of stitching.IMG_9397


So, now, you can go ahead and prep both sides of the template as you normally would.IMG_9399

Voila!  A perfect split leaf!IMG_9411.JPG

Til next time…




For the past month or so, I have been working on finishing up projects just so I would not be bringing anything unfinished into this brand new year.  2024!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very healthy New Year.

Last fall our grandson  Spencer as born and (of course) I made him a quilt.img_8214

I had so much fun making this label and I cannot wait to stitch it onto the back of his quilt.  I use Illustrator to draw my labels and then print them out on fabric.JLGZ5911


Five years ago I made this label for the back of my granddaughter Grace’s hexie quilt that I made while Mom was expecting her .  Notice it is hand appliqued and hand embroidered.  Did you notice that Spencer’s label is not lol.  You can read more about this label heressr官网

Speaking of hexie quilts, I started this quilt 5 (!) years ago and just finished it.  I’ll be honest I did not work the whole 5 years on it.  In fact, I remember a time I couldn’t find the quilt.  It was in a bin somewhere.  But I persevered and here we are!  I called this quilt “Mad About Hexies”, because I am!IMG_8635DSCN7624


And, here is the label!  I really like to personalize the labels, just so there is no question who each quilt belongs to:)img_8961.jpg

For my granddaughter’s hexie quilt, I used paper templates and did English Paper Pieceing (EPP).  When I finished, I knew there had to be and easier, more efficient way to do hexies (any shape, really).  I discovered Inklingo and that is the method I used to make “Mad About Hexies”.  Inklingo is so much faster, efficient and easier.  I am using Inklingo to create the 60 degree diamonds to make my next hand pieced quilt.  So much fun!!


Til next time…





1 Comment


As promised last week, the Snowy Owl pattern is now available for purchase on my website!  You have the option of purchasing the paper pattern or a digital pattern.  Either way, you will get 6 pages of templates already traced.  That means you can start prepping right away:)

Our grandson, Spencer Chad Nevin Counter Hatton (whew!), arrived right in time for Thanksgiving:)  How exciting!  Here he is just less than an hour old.IMG_8369

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So I started with the partial head, the gray detail and the eye.  I just couldn’t wait to see those eyes.少数人ssr最新地址



Do you get the feeling that someone is watching you?IMG_8410

This small gray piece is the next one to be glued in place.IMG_8411

Then this dark gray one…IMG_8412

The large white body/leg section is the next piece to add.IMG_8413

And then this light gray piece.  Notice how everything is lining up nicely?  Even I am impressed lol手机shadowsock教程

The next gray piece to be added is actually an extension of the gray piece already in place.  I thought it would be easier to cut this large section in 2 smaller sections and try to make the join as inconspicuous as possible.


As I add each section, I am making sure that everything lines up to the traced image on the background.  I use a pin and stab through the both layers to make sure it all lines up.  Better to be safe than sorry!手机shadowsock教程

Wow!  It’s actually starting to look like something!IMG_8418

Til next time…





For a while now, I have been getting requests for my patterns to be available in digital format.  The patterns for my quilt, 首页 - MDUI:赞助该项目 MDUI 是一个基于 MIT 协议的开源项目,你可众通过捐赠的形式来帮助发展该项目。 开始赞助, has been available in both digital and paper patterns.  You can order single blocks, or, if you are feeling ambitious, you can order the whole set:)

So my next project over the next couple of months or so, is to add all my other patterns as digital patterns.  I have started with The Hummingbird in Flight, and The Chickadee and Purple Violet patterns.  When you purchase these patterns, you will receive the file, which you will then download to your computer, and then print out at home, or take to your favourite copy place and they can print it out for you.  You will also receive a colour picture of the project, a list of fabric requirements, a list of supplies needed, general instructions, and, most importantly, a copy of the templates, which you can photocopy onto freezer paper.  In other words, you will receive everything you would if you ordered the paper pattern. (The templates have been created for Prepared Edge Applique.)  IMG_6920

Speaking of the Chickadee and Purple Violet pattern, I recently did a tutorial on my blog, which shows the construction of this block, from start to finish.  I even showed you how I make a caterpillar:)  The tutorial is actually spread out over 4 or 5 blog posts.  Everything in that tutorial can be applied to constructing any applique block using the Prepared Edge Applique method.  Did you know that the Chickadee And Purple Violet is Block 1 of a series of 13 blocks called “Glorious and Free” that I am creating to celebrate the provincial birds and flowers of Canada?  It’s true!IMG_6911

A few months ago, I started working on Block 2 of this series, The Snowy Owl and Blue Flag Iris, but I got a little side tracked with other stuff (that’s my story and I’m sticking with it!).ssr节点2021每日更新

And those eyes!  This pattern will be available on my website as a paper pattern and a digital pattern next week after I double check the freezer paper templates.IMG_8350

I started with the irises because I thought they were the easiest place to start.  I traced the pattern onto my background with a Clover water soluble marker.  I like to use the thick marker, but the thin works just as well.  I use Roxanne’s glue to glue all of my pieces onto the background.







In my next blog post I’ll show you how I constructed the owl:)061

Til next time….






Recently, I have taught The Hummingbird numerous times as a workshop in local shops, and for local guilds.  It is a good teaching block, it covers almost everything you need to know about Prepared Edge Applique.  In the class, most students get the leaves, stems and flowers prepped and glued onto the background.  At the end of the class I describe how the hummingbird is put together, but I think a visual guide will help those who have taken the class.  I think it is also a good tutorial for anyone looking for a few hints about how to put a rather complex design together.  Hint:  It only looks complex 🙂  The Hummingbird pattern is available on my website.  The pattern includes the freezer paper templates already traced, just to make your life easier:)

So here is the block with the leaves, stems and flowers in place.1

The first piece to be glued in place is the “back” wing.IMG_8291 (1)

Now, the row of small wings can be placed on the background, starting at the bottom and working towards the top.IMG_8292


Next, we can add the remaining feathers, the gray head and white detail.IMG_8296

We are going to add the gray body next, but only apply glue to the seam allowance as shown.IMG_8297

Glue in place, but leave the bottom section open (that is why we aren’t putting glue on that section).IMG_8298

Add the large wing, paying attention to where the seam allowances are lining up shown in the circle (very important!).IMG_8299.JPG

The pink underbelly can now be glued in place.  It is starting to look like something, isn’t it?IMG_8300

So now this is the tricky part.  Lift the gray body up and pin it to stay in place.  I just put my stiletto on top of it.  That works too:)  Now we can start to put the tail feathers in place, starting with the tail feather on the right and working to the left.IMG_8302

As you can see, the last tail feather goes on top of the pink underbelly, and the large turquoise feather.  Then the gray body (the part with no glue on it) goes on top of the tail feathers.ssr节点2021每日更新

Add  a few dabs of glue and put the gray body in place.手机shadowsock教程

Next we can add the beak and the eye.  The point at the end of the beak is tucked underneath the purple flower.  Easy Peasy!ssr最新订阅地址大全

Til next time….






Trunk Show

On Monday September 16 I’ll be presenting a trunk show in Port Perry at Hope Church at 7 pm. I’ll be showing approximately 20 of my quilts, most of them are hand appliquéd. Hope you can join us. I’ll also have my patterns for sale.

I’m making steady progress on the elephant quilt I’m making for our grandson who’ll be arriving in a couple of weeks. I’m hand quilting this gem and loving every moment. ssr下载官方

I’m also finishing up my class samples that I’ll be teaching at The Academy of Applique in March 2024. I’ve added a window frame to the Yellow Finches. Love it!手机shadowsock教程

My Scrappy Log Cabin is back from Colleen, who did an awesome job machine quilting this very large quilt. It measures 100″ x 100″! ssr官网

This weekend Paul and I and 2 of our daughters are going camping at Awenda Park near Penetang. Should be fun! I’ve been busy baking so we don’t go hungry lol




Just a quick post…

Hubby and I are heading out for a few days to Stratford, ON.  I am busy packing but I just realized that this is Labour Day Weekend.  That means all kinds of things to different people…school starts back up, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are everywhere and leaves will start changing colour.  Bus, if you are an appliquer, Labour Day Weekend means that you can now sign up for classes at The Academy of Applique!  If you have been scoping out the catalog, you already know that there is a great line up of teachers (if I do say so myself!) and some very interesting classes!  You can view the catalog of classes here.

I have been busy working away on a baby quilt for our grandson, who should be making an appearance around the first week of October.  (Mom is hoping for sooner lol.)IMG_8113



I am loving the Las Passacaglia journey!  I am using Inklingo to construct mine and I highly recommend giving this method  try:)  This is what my design wall looks like.  Controlled chaos:)IMG_8119

Til next time…


P.S.  Have a safe Labour Day Weekend:)